Friday, November 22, 2019
God In HIS Image, Vol. 1 Description HTML
People often say:
"My God would never do that!"
This makes me shudder, for I know those people who say this often do not know the Bible and they are viewing God from their own thinking, or by images created by tradition of men or by their own church groups, rather than by searching for the truth in examples in the Bible of what God actually did in these areas.
What is our rule book?
In golf or tennis we go by the rules of the game which are printed in rule books.
In spiritual matters, we must also refer to a rule book, and that is the New Testament Bible for the church today.
The Bible is our only valid rule for today's church. Each of us have the responsibility for spiritual truth. We cannot depend on another human but must refer to the Bible, especially to the New Testament Bible, for truth.
For many churches today have established their doctrines on that which humans think rather than on that which God shows us in the Word of God, the Holy Bible.
And many churches are set up to please humans and do not reflect what the Bible says.
Often these church doctrines today are exactly opposite to the instructions in the Bible.
In this series, we will see examples from the Old Testament, and in many cases, compare that law or rule with that which we are told in the New Testament.
By doing that, you should have a valid basis for making some extremely critical decisions today.
Volume 1, covers the way God viewed: Adam & Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph
Volumes 2 & 3, shows the way God used Moses to deliver HIS people from Egypt and to lead His people (more than one million combined men, women, children) to the promised land and their many victories over the enemies of God.
Volume 4, we see Joshua taking the promised lands and settling the children of God in their new habitations with many conflicts from those who opposed them in the way.
Volume 5, are the Judges appointed by God, Deborah, Gideon, Samson and others ... and the rulings given by God for the children of Israel, which were more than one-million people at that time: men, women, children
Volume 6, shows the work of the prophet Samuel, and king Saul and the reason for his downfall, and the anointing of Saul's replacement, king David.
Volume 7, is David and some of his psalms and his many victories.
From there we have: Solomon, the kings of Israel, the prophets
And sprinkled in with each of these individuals, we will also view concepts from the New Testament and show the similarities and the differences between the Old Testament and this current time in the church.
Nothing is more exciting than some of the stores given us in the Old Testament. We see great victories at enormous odds, all because God led His people and God fought for His people, just as God does today for HIS church.
Look for the volumes published at this time and for future volumes during the coming months. We expect to have each of the volumes in this series completed by the end of the year 2020.
I believe each person of God will delight in the chapters in Volume 1, offered now, in both e-book and paperback through Amazon.
The only thing important for us, the church, is to structure ourselves through the view God gives of situations of this present life, and we see that view by comparing examples in both the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible.
Joan Boney