Friday, November 22, 2019
Preface: God in His Image / Vol. 1
People often say: "My God would never do that! "
So often people imagine things without proving the truth of their ideas.
Where we see God in HIS own image is by viewing examples in the lives of those people in the written word of God.
In Volume 1 of this series we see comparisons of view of God under the old covenant and the new covenant for often the ways of God are very different when we look at these rules.
The Law of Moses required animal sacrifices to pay for sins and trespasses.
Jesus shed His own blood for our sins, so we no longer go by the Old Testament law of Moses.
Yet many things in the Old Testament encourage us and show us the faithfulness of God and they also show the great righteousness in which God views sins.
Featured examples in Volume 1 are:
* Adam & Eve
* Noah
* Abraham
* Isaac
* Jacob
* Joseph
We see the dealing of God by viewing HIS working in the lives of these and other people.
Joan Boney