Saturday, November 23, 2019

Volume 2: Description Moses: The call of God

God in His Image:

   * Moses

         The call of God on Moses,
            and the years dealing with Pharaoh in Egypt


Book Description:

God said to Moses:  

The cry of the children of Israel is come unto ME: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.

Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth MY people the children of Israel out of Egypt.

And Moses said unto God, 

Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?

What a frightful idea!


The call of God today:  God calls whom HE wills for the purpose of HIMSELF in the church.  And when God calls that person, God also equips that person for the work and provides everything along the way that person will need to do that work for which he has been called.

On January 10, 1980, I was asleep in the night.  A very loud trumpet-like voice shouted 3 words into my ear:  "Hartford, Seattle, KWJS"

I jumped out of bed and wrote this down on a note pad.

KWJS was obviously call letters to either radio or television.  (It turned out to be radio.)  

I said to God, "Are YOU telling me to go on radio?  I'm a writer, not a speaker.  I wouldn't know HOW to do that."

A very gentle thought from the Holy Spirit came to my mind:

"Call the radio station manager."

That same morning, I called radio station KWJS asking to speak to the radio station manager.

He came on the phone immediately, and I said to him:  "God might be showing me to go on radio.  How would you do that?"

The station manager replied:  "Make an audition tape 29 1/2 minutes long and send it to me and if you fit our programming, we will offer you a contract."

I recorded a cassette tape that same morning and within about 3 days I was broadcasting exhortations for the church on radio station KWJS.


A woman in Fort Worth, Texas, had been praying for a teacher who was really of faith to come on the noon-time broadcast on KWJS.  

She turned on her radio that day as usual and a woman began broadcasting.

This woman shouted out, "OH NO, God!  Not a woman!"

She got up to turn off the broadcast, but before she could get to the radio, she had become interested in the message.  She became one of my biggest fans over the next few years!

There are some surprises along the way as we follow God!


I've heard people say:  "My God would never do that!"

So many church people today have an image of God as being sort of like a Santa Clause grandfather.

At the judgment seat of Christ (II Corinthians 5:10-11), that is to come, many will be shocked.

Before getting to that point, it would be good for each of us to build an image of God based on that which God actually said and did in the Bible.

Those things God did with Pharaoh are a very good place for us to begin with this reconstruction project which we base on the written word of God.

Enjoy the experience!

Joan Boney
